Sunbelt Personal Firewall is a firewall, which is a continuation of the popular Kerio Personal Firewall. SPF helps users control how their computers exchange data with other computers on the Internet or a local network. The program is essential for all personal computers connected to the Internet via DSL, ISDN, WiFi or satellite connections.

Internally, the application protects your computer from attacks initiated by internal network users and remote workstations and laptops from online attacks.

Privacy Protection:

Blocking search of valuable information, blocking pop-up windows, filtering advertising banners, cookies and spyware are the basic features of the SPF, which reduces the risk of unlawful use of data about you and more enjoyable use of the Internet.

Network Security:

Installed at each SPF allows advanced users or administrators to define packet filtering rules that will block or restrict traffic on individual ports for each protocol or IP addresses, thus creating a level of control and security seen only in the most advanced network firewalls. These principles are based on the needs of both individual users as well as for general needs for security of the entire company.

Intrusion Detection:

Potential intruders use very different techniques to find out whether the target computer is vulnerable to attack. These techniques range from simple port scanning methods and the use of complex exploits. KPF has built a system to detect attacks, identify and block them.

Application integrity:

In addition to performing upgrades and update and there is no need to modify applications. SPF can prevent applications from starting up without the user's wishes, before the modifications made by any malicious intent and before running the application from other applications.


  •  Block all external IP traffic. 
  •  Automatically conceals your computer making it invisible to potential intruders.
  •  Automatically blocks all windows pop-ups and advertising.
  •  Detects attempts with as yet unknown hacking tools.
  •  The report window displays connections in a transparent manner the activity of all programs at any given time.


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